Good morning! I woke up refreshed and hoping to open the curtains to some sun but alas, more rain. At least it looked a bit clearer than it had been and didn't rain too much at all, just lots of overcast and humidity. I met everyone down at Palm Bay for breakfast and i switched it up and had some french toast and bacon. I still haven't really felt hungry since we got here, i guess i have been eating more properly and on a regular schedule. The food has also been quite good. So had a nice breakfast then went back to the rooms to get ready for another day of diving.
We got picked up by Siksei and made sure all our gear was ready which was already on the boat. We decided to head out to open waters and try out Blue Corner. We headed out to Blue Corner but the currents were really strong, it was raining heavy and we had anywheres from 4 to 12 foot swells and even some white water, Arson our boat captain was even taking pics with his cellphone. If the captain is taking pics of the water, you know it's an unusual sight! So veered off and did Big Drop Off instead. The water wasn't the clearest but was still fun diving. Got to see lots of turtles, anemones, corals, Humphead Parrotfish, sharks, etc. Andy had lots of fun with the turtles as he would swim up to them while they were head deep in some rock eating sponge and algeas. He would stick his head right up next to theirs and check out what they were doing. He said they would look at him and just keep on chowing down. I kept my distance and got some OK pics. As we slowly made our way up the wall we could feel the surges under water. Andy got a reading of 6' with a steady buoyancy and just being moved along with the swells. I don't think i've felt like i was on steady ground since i have been here and that really did me in! I loved it, don't get me wrong, it was a feeling like being on the boat but weightless under water. We finally started our safety stop and had to swim out to blue water since the boat would not be safe right on top of the reef in those conditions, it was interesting to look out around you and see nothing but open waters waiting for the boat to pick us up. So we surfaced and Arson drove us to Babloomkang Island for some calmer lunch conditions.
We took about an hour and a half surface interval which the sun came out a bit which was nice. I walked along the beach and picked out some more shells and found yet another sharks tooth! I guess i just have the eye for it as they look just like a broken snail shell. Since the waters calmed down a bit we decided to try again for Blue Corner. Siksei said we probably would not be able to hook in but we would see once we got in the water. Blue Corner dive started with the outgoing tide along the wall. The visibility was again not that great but schools of fish were all around us and even the sharks were coming in a bit closer. Lots of White Tips and Reef Greys, it was awesome. We continued along the wall to the corner into incoming and it wasn't safe for hooking but got to ride along some fun surges and as we got on top of the wall we were able to see even more anemones and clowns, huge Napoleon Wrasse, lots more turtles, Needlefish, Niger Triggers, Barracuda, Vlamingi Tangs, Jacks and Joe even came across a Moray Eel curled up in a rock! Another great dive to add to the log book! Since the seas were so rough, we decided to make it an early day and head back to Sams to dry off and relax. I of course am always up for more dives but we are in the hands of our guides and it just wasn't looking all that safe above the water and below. All-in-all it was a fun day and i have to admit, it was nice to get back, rinse and dry off. We hung out at Sam's for a little bit then headed back to the hotel to clean up and get some rest for our last day of dives.
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