Tuesday, June 10, 2008
We got on board with 6 other divers, a dive instructor, Joedyn and a Dive Master, Jason. Jason was our Dive Master and was very enthusiastic and made me feel very comfortable. We geared up and headed out to our first dive spot, Ulong Channel.
We went over the dive which was going to be a channel dive as long as the current allowed us. We were to dive down to the channel entry and then hook-off to the reef rocks and just hover while we watched the reef life in front of us. I got to see lots of clams,

Acropora corals, Toadstool Leathers, Sea Anemones with hosting Pink Skunk Clownfish, Basket Starfish, Moorish Idols, all sorts of Damsels, Regal Angels, Coral Beauty Angels, Butterflies, Squirrelfish, Tangs, and lots more. I will have to make a list later on. I was a bit too far away but could see the sharks in the distance. I wish I had gotten a bit closer. The current shifted and we weren’t able to make it into the channel so we headed back to the boat the same way.

We took lunch on the island Ulong, which for you Survivor folks, was where the show was filmed. There were tables and benches set up, which of course was removed for the filming. We were greeted by some rats and chickens but the most beauty was snorkeling off the shore and seeing beautiful clams, nudibranchs, cucumbers, corals and lots of fish, especially Triggers and small Sharpnose Puffers. I snorkeled for a bit then got back on board for our second dive of the day.

Our second dive was called Siaes Tunnel. This was a neat dive because after a short up current swim, we went down a reef wall, which went on forever, to an opening where a tunnel was. It was so overwhelming swimming through a dark tunnel and I finally got to use my dive light. Amazing, just one word to describe it and that doesn’t even do it justice. After about 40 or so minutes, we surfaced and headed back to Sam’s Tours. We dropped off a couple who was on our dive boat and then went to our third dive, a Wreck Dive.

Helmut Wreck was our third dive and actually I was able to penetrate the wreck. It was so cool. I got to see some Bannerfish, Batfish, beautiful Lobophyllias, Scolymias, Acroporas, Blastomussas, Bubbles, Pearls, Starfish, and more. The wreck was an old Japanese fighter that was sunken. You can still see the guns, bottles of Saki, explosives and even a shoe.

One more dive and then I can start my Rescue Diver Certification!
After our dives Andy, Joe and I stuck around Sam’s Tours and sampled some beers and went over some dive information and the pictures I took. We then took a short walk back to our hotel and showered. We were going to meet up but once I finished showering and getting ready, I laid on the bed to relax for a bit and ended up passing out. It was only about 8 pm but man was I exhausted from all that diving. Also, breathing decompressed air can make you even sleepier than normal. So, I got a full, good nights sleep.
1 comment:
Great pictures babe!
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