I have been given a great opportunity from my new job,
Coral Edge Adventures, to go on a Fam Trip to Dominica. A Fam Trip is shortened
for Familiarization Trip where a company takes lead on setting up a trip for
their sales branch to a certain destination to learn about what they have to
offer, both diving as well as land based. My bosses Joe and Jim told me that I
was going to be going on this particular Fam Trip and Joe decided to go as well
for some vacation.
The itinerary was set and looked like were going to have
a busy week ahead of us. We flew out of Dulles early Saturday morning (June 22, 2013) and had a
layover in Charlotte, NC. There was a short delay flying out but had plenty of
time to get through to our terminal in CLT yet there was another long delay
from CLT.
Our plane sat on the Tarmac
for about an hour waiting while other planes kept going around it and taking
Not sure what the issue was but was
a bit annoying and made for an issue after landing in San Juan, Puerto
Once in San Juan we had to collect
out checked luggage and dash to gt thru security and recheck our bags for our
final flight to Dominica. However since our flight had been delayed and Liat,
the airline in and out of Dominica has a strict policy on your check in times,
we missed our flight.
Thankfully we were
able to get on the next flight which had a short layover in Antigua and were then on our final leg to Dominica.
We finally landed in Dominica at about 7:30pm and was greeted
and escorted (somewhat) through security.
The 1.5 hr. drive from the airport to the first hotel was quite an experience!
Dominica is more mountainous than I had expected and many of their roads are in
the process of reconstruction. So needless to say it was almost like
on a very bumpy and windy roller
coaster. But alas we made it safely to the hotel,
Castle Comfort, checked in
and got a quick tour with a side of Rum Punch. Our luggage was taken to our rooms and we met up with the
others who got there earlier. I met Buddy Brown and his wife Cathy who are our AUP regional sales reps, Lucy of
Columbia Scuba, Lucy's friend Ben (a scubana boy), Greg of
Bluewater Scuba, Paul of
Carolina Dive Center, Stephen of
the Dive Shop on McEver, Marshall of
Dive Shop Atl., and Bill of
Down Under Surf and Scuba. We sat oceanfront and had a late dinner and I got
to try Lionfish for the first time. It was delicious!
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Our first day was early and full of new discoveries. We had a nice
breakfast at Castle Comfort then got our gear ready for our first
dives. Our Divemasters took great care of us and were very
professional. We dove the Witches Point and Champaign Glass. Both were
amazing dives full of macro organisms. I saw some Pederson's Shrimp
for the first time in the ocean. There were ton's, you couldn't miss
them! We were pointed out small Frogfish, lots of Arrow Crabs, Sally
Lightfoot Crabs, tiny little Gobies and even some Cuttlefish.
Dominica's reefs are so full and colorful, lots of beautiful sponges and
sea fans along with the amazing critters and fish, and I can say after
our first two dives that I was more than ready for more.

After our morning dives we headed back to the hotel to change, grab some lunch then head over to Anchorage Dive for the Whale watching tour. I got to see my first whales out in the ocean, a mother Sperm Whale and her calf. It took a little while to spot them but our crew was excellent and even worked with some of the other tour boats to find a good location where the whales were. Of course dolphins put on a show for us too. We stayed out for a few hours then got back, freshened up and planned to meet for dinner at the Evergreen Hotel. Apparently they weren't quite expecting us so dinner took much longer than expected but it was still a fun time getting to know the group.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Our second day we did two morning dives at Swiss Cheese and (someone fill me in here). Swiss Cheese was a neat dive full of swim troughs and a few turtles. I ended up sitting out the second dive because I was having some trouble clearing my left ear so thought it best to be on the safe side and sit out. Plus it was a good excuse to get some sun and just enjoy the beauty of the land from the boat. Cathy ended up also sitting out the second dive so I had some company. The group returned from their dive and we headed back to the hotel to clean up and check out as we were staying in a different hotel for the remainder of the trip.
Castle Comfort Dive Lodge was a perfect location for the typical diver. Nice rooms with single or double beds, private bathrooms and balconies, most facing the ocean. Our new hotel was
Fort Young Hotel and it was a bit more upscale with multiple room layouts. Each of us had our own oceanview suite which I have to say was quite sweet! I will admit that even though it was a very luxurious room, I would still typically stay at a location such as Castle Comfort. Both hotels work with each other and they also both use
Dive Dominica.
After lunch and a tour of Fort Young we gathered up for a bus tour of
the North part of the island, then a boat cruise along the Indian
River, walked around the Cabrits National Park and Fort Shirley, then a
late dinner and cocktails at
Sunset Bay.
I definitely enjoyed the day full of sightseeing, especially when we
got to see the area along the Indian River where Pirates of the
Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest was filmed. They built Calypso's hut and
kept it there along with other relics from the movie. The park was
beautiful and Fort Shirley was full of history. Sunset Bay was
definitely a hopping place, good music, a dancing floor, oceanfront
dining and great staff. But alas, the night was ending and we had an
early morning and long day ahead of us.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Tuesday we met for breakfast at Fort Young's Waterfront restaurant and took in the beautiful view of a morning double rainbow. The day ahead looked like it was going to be awesome, and being it was our last day of diving, we were going to make the most of it. We were picked up at the dock by Dive Dominica with our gear and headed out to our dive sites:
Scott's Head Point and
Dangleben's Pinnacles. Another two amazing dive sites! At the end of our second dive, however, I had kinda buddied up with Greg as Joe and I kept getting separated while taking pictures. As we were with a close group I was not worried and knew he would be OK and at one point one of the DM's pointed him out to me saying he was OK. Well Greg and I were checking out something while on our safety stop and then we realized we were the only two in site...so as we were only 15' down, he surfaced to check the location of the boat while I waited below. We were very slightly off course and made our way over to the boat and while we were waiting for the last few to safely get on the boat, a decent sized Manta Ray swam by Greg and myself. I did not get as great a view b/c I was looking off at something else and Greg said he was trying so hard to get my attention, but I did end up looking his way and he pointed the Manta out as it was just passing us. So amazing! Pays to be a little late sometimes ;-) and huge Thanks Greg for finally getting my attention!

We returned from our last dive adventure and were able to take some time getting ready for lunch and a meet-n-greet with other Tour Operators and Properties at Fort Young's dining hall. We took our time and met with a nice group of individuals as well as larger companies and got information on what their company or organization had to offer. It was good to be able to meet and take home a lot of information about the other dive and tour operators so that I can plan some future trips through
Coral Edge Adventures back to this beautiful Island. After a few hours of our meetings a few of us decided to hang out near the bar at Fort Young and have a light dinner and some cocktails while the rest went down the street to another restaurant. I enjoyed chatting with the group and possibly having one-to-many of their amazing Rum Punch's (and thanks Steve for picking up the tab for the group! Very nice of you!). As the others trickled in from dinner some joined us and some went to bed. We stayed up for a bit and then slowly departed back to our rooms.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Surprisingly I woke up feeling pretty good and I was the first one down to breakfast too (if you know me, you know I am not usually a morning person so I gave myself a little pat on the back). I had a bigger breakfast than normal in preparation for the long land adventure in store for us later on, however, first we had a Press Conference to get to. The Press Conference wasn't long and was basically informative of our FAM group and how we have felt so far about our experience in Dominica. Lucy and Bill were volunteered by Buddy to speak about the trip thus far. (So glad I didn't have to get up there and speak).
After the press conference we gathered our snorkel gear and were picked up by
Khatts tour bus where we started our journey first to Trafalgar Falls. Our tour guide and bus driver were awesome and extremely knowledgeable of their land and its history. We snaked our way up and down Dominica's peaks to the entrance of a decent hike ahead of us to the falls. We then detoured and had lunch at (someone jog my memory please) where I decided to take a walk and explore while waiting for our lunch. I am so amazed by the beauty and uniqueness Dominica holds. The flowers, birds, lizards, natural warm water springs from volcanic vents mixed with cold water from the falls, and just how lush the land is. There were so many times I wished I was taller so I could just reach up and pick the fruit off the trees and eat it.

After a very delicious lunch we continued our adventure and made our way to the highest road point on Dominica which led to a huge fresh water lake. Thankfully we did not swim in this one b/c it was quite chilly, well, you know me, I was ready to jump in! We walked around a bit then continued our way to Titou Gorge and although it was just as chilly as the lake water, we still got in and snorkeled through the Gorge and enjoyed playing in the rushing water and trying to catch crayfish. Titou Gorge is another place where part of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest was filmed. It's the part where the pirates are held captive in a round cage made of the bones of other pirates and man and they escape and fall into the gorge. (Definitely watched that movie again when I got home).
2789 ft. Above Sea Level. The Highest Road Point on Dominica.
We swam at Titou Gorge for a bit then made our way to Screw Sulpher Spas. I know what you're thinking, and no, I do not know the entire story behind the name. The owner is nicknamed Screw, and he was given that nickname by his wife...the end. However, Screw Spa was amazing! It was a series of levels with different springs fed both by different percentages of water from the volcanic vents and from the falls, so each level was cool than the previous. The first one I had to take my time dipping into since it was so hot, but once in, it felt amazing. We all spent our time soaking in the springs, going from hot to cold to warm to hot to cold to all combinations. Screw was even there and put out some fresh fruit and water for us and Ben was awesome and got him to take a picture with me. This is definitely a place on the list to make sure is a part of our dive trip when we get one set.
The group (from L-R): Greg, Joe, Bill, Kathy, Buddy, Marshall, Lucy, Me, Ben, Steve
"Peace & Love"
After our long and amazing land adventure we traveled back to the hotel, washed up and met for a nice group dinner. I had a beer after with a few of the guys but headed back to my room to finish packing up and just take some time alone to embrace the view and that it would be the last time I would see it for a while. I sat out on the balcony and just relaxed.
Thank you Joe and Jim for giving me this opportunity to take my first FAM trip to Dominica! I can't wait to lead the next trip there ;-)
Buddy, Cathy, Bill, Lucy, Ben, Greg, Marshall, and Steve, it was great meeting you all and sharing this experience. I look forward to diving with you again sometime!